Regarding the mudslide disaster in the Izusan area of Atami City (as of July 9)
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all those were affected by the mudslide disaster in the Izusan area of Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture. We pray for those who were victimized and pray for the progress of search and rescue activities, and the earliest possible recovery and reconstruction of the affected areas.
At part of the Izusan district of Atami City, where disaster occurred, “emergency safety assurance” (warning level 5) for sediment disaster warning has been continuously issued, and vigorous rescue activities continue in this area. Under these circumstances, based on the request of Atami City, we are providing as much support as possible, such as providing the parking lots of Zuiun-kyo and the MOA Museum of Art, and providing our facilities such as the Zuiun-Kaikan as countermeasure bases for the police, fire department, and the Self-Defense Forces. We ask for your understanding on this matter.
As for the MOA Museum of Art, it has been open since July 9th.
Many people have inquired about the damage to the facilities related to Toho -no-Hikari due to the heavy rain in the Tokai and Kanto regions. Thanks to you, there is no major damage to each facility in Atami Zuiun-kyo where the MOA Museum of Art is located, Hakone Shinsen-kyo where the Hakone Museum of Art is located, and Ohito Zuisen-kyo where the Oku Atami Clinic is located.

20210705 Sekiun-dai Parking Lot
We have provided this parking lot for a countermeasure base of the rescue teams working on rescue activities (July 5)