The Three Major Enterprises─
“Jôrei,” “Nature Farming and Natural Foods,” “Beauty”

Salvation through Jôrei
Jôrei, in simple terms, is “a method of producing happiness.”
Meishu-sama taught us, “human beings are composed of spiritual body and physical body.” Spiritual clouds refer to the impurities that emerge on man’s spiritual body. And the causes of spiritual clouds are those that are “reflected from the physical body” and those that “emerge within the spirit itself.” The former is produced from various synthetic chemicals taken in and remaining in the body as medicinal toxin, urinal toxin, fertilizer toxin etc., and the latter emerges from one’s negative thoughts, words and actions. These are reflected to the physical body, become materialized, and become impure blood and pus.

The objective of Jôrei is to eliminate these “spiritual clouds.” When you purify your spiritual body by eliminating the spiritual clouds, your physical body too is purified. Then, it leads to the raising of your position in the spiritual strata, which shifts your destiny toward happiness.
In concrete terms, one holds one’s hand toward the person. Then, the spiritual light is emitted from one’s palm, which eliminates the spiritual clouds of the recipient, leading to solving all the sufferings of human being.
Salvation through Nature Farming and Natural Foods

Meishu-sama said, “It is essential for good health to consume foods with large amounts of spirit. Eating such foods stimulates greater activity of the spiritual being and in this way makes the body stronger and healthier.” It could be said that healthy food with large amounts of spirit is the Nature Farming produce.
Based on the fundamental principles of respecting the nature and adapting to the nature, Nature Farming is an agricultural method of producing healthy crops by making full use of the power of the soil, without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and growing crops with large amounts of spirit. The more you treat soil based on the laws of great nature and the stronger your love toward the soil, the soil responds to it and exercise its full power, which results in the production of good and healthy crops.
By consuming such Nature Farming produce and the processed natural foods using such produce, we can have a dietary life that does not produce spiritual clouds, which fosters healthy mind and body.

At the time when chemical fertilizers were the leading agricultural practices, for the salvation of all the farmers, Meishu-sama cultivated a field of 0.24 acres himself at Kaminoge of Setagaya ward in Tokyo, and started an experimental study of a farming method without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Based on such results, Nature Farming was established. In 1953, he publicized a “Concept of Creating One Nature Farming Branch in Every Village,” and inaugurated the “Nature Farming Dissemination Society” as a nationwide organization.
Though Nature Farming and organic farming has become widely understood and desired in the society now, the Nature Farming practitioners at the time could not gain people’s understanding and was regarded heretical. Despite such harsh environment, they believed in Meishu-sama’s teachings, and continued their practice and research. Only because of such efforts of the farmers, we have today’s Nature Farming and natural foods.
Salvation through beauty

Everybody feels comforted looking at beautiful flowers. Not only flowers, but in the beauty of beautiful scenery, art pieces and music, there is a power that enhances people’s aesthetic sentiments and enriches the life.
Meishu-sama said, “The influence humans receive from beauty cannot be underestimated. Along with letting people enjoy themselves through beauty, people’s characters and integrity will be improved without realizing, bringing about a peace-loving ideology in them.”
The reason why he constructed the prototype of paradise on earth (the sacred grounds) in which natural beauty and manmade beauty are harmonized; collected wonderful art pieces and constructed Hakone Museum of Art; and encouraged the life with beauty such as flower arrangement, was all because he valued the power of beauty in reaching the people’s souls and spirituality and promoting the uplifting of their integrity.

Meishu-sama states on the construction of Hakone Museum of Art: “The purpose of art is that people can be spiritually uplifted unconsciously while they enjoy art. It improves their taste. It is very effective for purifying that person’s soul.” Also, considering the history in which religion has been the base for all kinds of art such as paintings, sculptures and music, both in the East and the West, he explains that religion essentially has to proceed together with art, just like the two wheels of a cart. In addition to that, he indicates that the mission of Japan, which has produced wonderful works of art, “is to bring joy to people around the world through the medium of beauty and contribute to the advancement of culture.”
The Hakone Museum of Art in Shinsenkyô opened in 1952, and the MOA Museum of Art in Atami Zuiunkyô opened in 1982—the centennial anniversary of Meishu-sama’s birth. Both are providing visitors with moments filled with beauty.