Toward a Truly Happy Way of Life

“There were days when I didn’t feel well myself and had a hard time holding my hand to do Jôrei. Nevertheless, I never knew how joyful it is to be able to be helpful to others. Also, as I deepened my conviction in Jôrei, very interestingly, my physical condition improved as well.” “To me, it was a completely different way of life and it was something that produced great hope.”
These are the words of a man who had suffered from cerebral infarction and, from the harshness of extreme dizziness and headache, the numbness of the right side of the face and hands and fingers, had thought about giving up his life at one point. In such days of suffering, a member living nearby visited him frequently and administered Jôrei for 1 to 2 hours quietly. With such support, he recovered little by little.

He used to have a self-centered way of thinking and life. Though it doesn’t sound true, when this man learns that his acquaintance is suffering from osteoporosis, feeling as if it has happened to him, he visited this person to administer Jôrei. 3 months later, the person recovered to the extent that he could work on farming again, and he was extremely happy.
We feel the sense of satisfaction by receiving the expression of joy and gratitude from people. Doesn’t such lifestyle make us actually realize the meaning of being born and the joy of life?

We are social beings unlike animals. By receiving the support from somebody, for the first time, we can live as human beings. More so, living by helping each other with gratitude towards the people around you, towards all life including animals and plants, and towards nature, may be the way we supposed to live, isn’t it?
Meishu-sama teaches us the following.
“It is to perform good deeds as much as possible. It is constantly endeavoring to do something good whenever there is time… Thus, it is certain that people will become happy as much as they have performed many good deeds.”
“Since my youth, I have loved making others happy; that is why it is practically becoming my favorite pastime. I am always considering what I can do so everyone can become happy… Since the above-mentioned results is one of the important factors that makes me happy and fortunate, I always say, “We cannot become happy ourselves if we do not make others happy.”
“The real significance of Meshiya Kyo (present Toho-no-Hikari) is to eliminate spiritual clouds pleasantly, not by going through suffering. For that, you need to help others. By doing so, you would receive Light all the time. And due to such people’s gratitude, your soul will be purified.”
Being in the middle of anxiety and suffering, you may not have the room to care about others. However, according to the spiritual truth revealed by Meishu-sama, praying for the safety of the family members and friends for the day including your cheerful greetings, and thinking about others and put it into action would eventually result in the elimination of the cause of your own anxiety and suffering. Praying for the happiness of others and make even a single action; even such small action may serve as a firm step in improving your own situation.